Feb 8·edited Feb 8

This very one-sided exercise in soft neo-Nazism that diminishes the culture of hatred among the neo-Nazis and neo-Fascists, and rising Islamophobia might benefit from a part two, a follow up to this piece of shoddy and hypocritical writing. Similar to the title of this piece, you might want to write something like "The new face of Israel-(and Zionist-)philia". That piece could reflect on the rediscovery of love among European and German fascists for the state of Israel in recent years. For example, where do AFD, Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders, Viktor Orban, Giorgia Meloni, Golden Dawn even Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro stand on the question of Israel today? Why is it that, for example, someone like Anders Behring Breivik can profess his passionate love for the state of Israel even when at every court apperance he greets everyone with a Nazi salute? That kind of difficult exercise will enable a reflection on the very visible, larger cultural and political shifts across Europe and (who knows) might even do a bit to cure your ever-inflating German narcissism coupled with your ever-shrinking worldview.

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An indictment of failed German policies for over a decade.

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Well said

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As an American who has lived in Germany for many years (probably too many), I have no, none, nadda understanding for human rights violators. While America is not blameless for the antisemitic behavior in my homeland, I could quickly reduce much of this behavior with stringent regulations, extreme fines to include incarceration and possibility of citizenship revocation. Extreme antisemitic behavior or antimuslim behavior demands extreme punishment. No more pussy-footing by the states attorneys or the radical judges, a speedy trial and appropriate punishment. Naturally, all are innocent until proven guilty!

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