Mar 3, 2023Liked by Jörg Luyken

I haven't adjusted my internal value for money assessment to the new prices yet. I find myself silently screaming "How much?" whenever i see the prices for anything these days, particularly food. I guess we will all have to reconcile ourselves to them eventually though, as even if inflation goes back down next year, the prices will not, this is the new benchmark.

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Just a couple of quick questions, you mentioned that the cost of your lunch included a tip. I lived in Frankfurt for a year from 2021 to 2022. Just as it is in my own country, Australia, tips are, I thought, rare. My questions are: (1) were you raised in North America? and (2) is tipping in Germany an accepted custom of which I am not aware and thus should have been aware when I lived there?

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Hi Bruce, tipping is pretty standard in Germany as there is not service charge. You usually add it on to bill when you pay. But if they let you out of the country when you left, then all good!

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Well, well, you surprise me. I always thought (and loathed) compulsory tipping was an American impost simply because the those Capitalist loving bosses use it as an excuse to pay starvation wages to their employees and consequently add to their greed. I also thought that like my own country, there is legislation that employers must pay their staff a minimum and liveable income. Perhaps i am wrong. Surely tipping ought to be a voluntary exercise to encourage excellence. But thank you for your response.

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As I mentioned, I assumed, perhaps wrongly, that like Australia, New Zealand and other countries, it is illegal for employers to under pay their employees though some try, especially when it is in cash. So Aussies only give tips when they are very happy with excellent service, or they are too drunk to care.🤤😵‍💫 So that’s why Aussies and Kiwis, don’t have a good reputation in the US and Canada and other tourist locations. We just want their greedy owners to pay their staff a liveable income so they, the bosses, stop forcing us, the customers, to do what they should be doing! I don’t know what German hospitality worker are paid, but the hell if I’m going to pay their wages as well as for the service which is their job also. Lastly, I loved touring through America and Canada (twice) but the one thing that really spoilt the trips was the fkn tipping for everything! It was out of control and disgusting in my view!

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

Unlike the US it's mostly just a small extra (%% max), perhaps an extra euro or two, Having grown up in the tipping culture I tend to be on the generous side but never more than 10%.

And speaking of numbers I once got the numbers backwards and offered to under pay the bill, thankfully my wife is native and quickly corrected the error LOL

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Underpay. LOL ooops

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