Nov 16, 2022Liked by Jörg Luyken

Well written, sober, refreshing as always. Thank you Jörg.

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Cooperation is always the best way to make change, Ignoring such a large block as the AFD drives their moderate votes to not voting, and the harder right wing further right. From what is in the manifesto of the AFD they are about as right wing as the CDU 30 years ago. We always know when the right goes too far, yet give the left carte blanche, Cheating and violence. look at the state of Berlin, a re-election called, months waiting list to deal with any problem. I am an outside observer and do not have a vote, these are purely observations.

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That might be true in theory. But do you think it is a good idea to cooperate with the AfD in Thuringia, where their leader has proven historical links to neo-Nazis and most likely only denies them now out of political calculation?

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Again to coin the phrase "Sun light is the best disinfectant", Get people out in the open and make them show their true colours. then the voters can decide if the person in question is worth their Vote. One bad apple is not found by throwing out the whole barrel. The AFD should be challenged with providing workable policies and solutions, not being ignored and isolated allowing the wrong people to hide behind the bias of the parties opposition.

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Interesting do you think it will ever be possible for the AFD to be treated as a normal party. I would assume it would mean more clearly denouncing the more extreme elements of the party. 

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I think that, bar a major crisis, we have a very long way to go until they will be involved in any state government. Other parties will always find some kind of arrangement to ensure that they stay out of power, whether it be minority govs or awkward four-way coalitions. What CDU are doing in Thuringia is probably sensible as it means that in a purely symbolic way they can show that they are not scared to touch conservative base issues out of fear that AfD will support them too.

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