Drill, baby, drill!
Prick your ears and you just might be able to hear it.
Somewhere in the distance a faint voice is shouting: “Bohr, Schätzelein, bohr!”
Yes, that’s right, in the midst of the worst energy crisis since the 1970s German journalists and politicians are beginning to remember that the country has vast reserves of shale gas hidden deep beneath its surface. Some are making the first tentative calls to “drill, baby, drill.”
“Anyone who wants to free themselves quickly from Russia's clutches must cast off their ideological blinkers: this applies to nuclear technology as well as to fracking,” wrote Malte Lehming, a journalist with the Berlin-based Tagesspiegel newspaper.
The Wirtschaftswoche, a business newspaper, was somewhat more forthright: “We need German fracking gas urgently!” it shouted.